FR traction bar, front engine mount

The mount will fit no problem without the inserts installed, but using the stocker without the inserts is like jerking off into a flower pot. i have the mount free, not bolted to the transmission, the car drives fine and there is really minimal movement already. I think i have the same setup as you do actually, inserts all around except the trans mount is the innovative conversion mount.
In crxs and egs i have had in the past, i have never even used the front transmission mount as i didn’t see it lending that much of a performance difference to justify spending the extra cash, i just have the stock mount and the inserts already so i thought i would give it a shot.


oh man this just exposes his idiocy more and more blatantly.


i dont see why they’d design their bar around inserts either

to the top!!!

i dont see why they’d design their bar around inserts either

if the fork was another 1/8th of an inch wide it would work for the stock mount, the innovative mount and the inserts and there would be no downside to having it be wider. So why not design it to fit all applications? saying its because they expect you to have after market mounts when they designed it around the useless stock mount is just not thinking this through. Then to say that i am stupid for ordering the bar and not having after market mounts is down right retarded. Inserts do a fine job of firming up the engine movement i bet there is little difference between street application after market mounts and and using inserts on stockers. If you are saying that the only people that should be buying full race bars are people with race compound after market mounts this is also a useless statement.

maybe all he’s saying is people should research things a little more thoroughly before jumping into them headfirst then whining when it doesn’t work the way they envisioned.

armed fuckhead your on my ignore list member?

not sure what you added but please see above:

I quoted for you.

I’m well aware I’m on your ignore list.

Last time I checked forum rules, that didn’t mean I’m not allowed to post in your threads.

Either you don’t care what I type, or you do. If you don’t, stop responding everytime I post whining about how I’m on your ignore list.

Only makes you look like you do.