Friend in need, lost everything in the Colorado Fire donations happily accepted

Best wishes.

[QUOTE=Robie;1035963]talk about a shitty week…My Fiance’s parents house burned to the ground, we saved the barn though and a couple surrounding structures.

Tuesday of last week, I saw on FB that there was a fire listed about 7 miles away from the property. I immediately texted everyone I knew out there to let them know, just in case.
I lot of people immediately started getting their animals rounded up as they were a lot closer. About an hour later, the fire was massive, so I left work just after 2pm and raced out to the property and started grabbing pictures off of the walls in the barn and gathered up anything that would fit into boxes and took that out to the Rodeo.
Heather grabbed a truck and hooked up a 2-horse trailer and raced over to another property to grab a horse that was at a friend’s house near the fire. She ran through 3 police baracades, telling the Police that she is tgoing to pass no matter what they say. All of them just let her pass without question.

I rounded up 2 pigs, 6 dogs, 3 cats, 2 rats, 4 birds. Heather came back with the horse, and we loaded up the other 2 horse trailers.
We got a hold of a rescue horse trailer as we didn’t have enough room for 10 horses. They came over and we got the last one loaded.
At that point, the fire was about 200 yards away when I took these photos. you can see the glow in the back. The sound was like constant thunder and you could feel the heat.

We took the horses to a property that was 5 miles away in the opposite direction of the fire, right next to the Red Cross shelter, got them unloaded and hung out at the Red Cross, waiting for more information. I crashed out as soon as I could to get what I could for sleep.
The next morning, we got up and immediately got a call from a friend that was evacuating and had dropped by the property to check in on everything. He told us that he saw the corner of the house on fire and smoke coming out of the attic.
we raced back over to the property and attempted to put out the house. we were doing good and had the Chinooks helping out too.

Then the wind picked up and the house went up and burned so fast. The heat was so intense that we had to back off and let it burn, so we went to the barn and made sure it didn’t spread there.

When we got to the property, I found the gas grill on it’s side, with all of the plastic/wood on fire. I grabbed the grill and dragged it away from the fire and disconnected the propane tank…didn’t want that thing blowing us up…

We left after doing our best to make sure the barn didn’t burn and came back the next day. This what we found:

This is how hot things were:

As a side not to how hot it was, here is a photo I took when we snuck over to a friend’s house to check on it. This is a large pool of aluminum from all of his morotcycles and car rims that melted in the garage.

His house survived, but the garage blew up (he was in construction and had a couple acetylene tanks) and burned everything else.

If you want to see more, check out my FB page:

If you want to donate something to Heather’s parents, we are setting up a page for donations. I’d really appreciate it at the bare minimum of you could share the link. They lost everything in that fire and because of the Barn, Insurance companies wouldn’t insure it because they considered it a commercial building…totally insane…
