From my cold, dead hands!

Great Baltimore Sun article about the NRA:,0,7271127.story

From Connecticut to Washington state, gun sellers were as busy as elves at Christmas. And everywhere, buyers were giving the same reason for their shopping spree: fear of gun control.

This bizarre disconnect from reality defies rational thought. Passage of new laws sharply curtailing gun ownership is less likely than lightning striking Paris Hilton as she gets out of a Chrysler minivan wearing long underwear.


As long as these fucknuggets are out there trying to put an end to everyone’s civil rights, the NRA will continue to receive my membership dues. I’m the first to admit I don’t see eye to eye with them, but they’re still the best we have and fighting the hardest. They didn’t HAVE to go to the UN and tell them to shove their ATT up their self-righteous asses, but they did anyway.

I wouldn’t exactly take much, if anything, the Baltimore Sun prints (ESPECIALLY in the op-ed section, which is where this appears–meaning it’s not actually an “article” ;)) as much more than sensationalized “entertainment”. I wouldn’t even buy a subscription to clean up the occasional ferret shit that misses a litter pan in my house.

Unbiased, factual news articles no longer exist in this country.

Sure they do.

I wasn’t counting high school newspapers. But yes, when you do, then I suppose you’re right.

You must not be looking hard enough…

But then again:

Feel free to provide links to news stories with no bias or “personal leanings” on behalf of the author.

Actual news articles now, not opinion/editorial pieces like you linked above claiming to be an “article”. :slight_smile:

Hmm…the Baltimore Sun must not have spoken with Ms. Wasserman Schultz before printing that “article” you linked. :giggle:


During an interview with the Editorial Board of the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz indicated her willingness to further scale back 2nd Amendment protections once she believes we are in a “more favorable political environment.”

Any other troll threads you’d like to start? :giggle:

[QUOTE=armedferret;2267695]Feel free to provide links to news stories with no bias or “personal leanings” on behalf of the author.

Actual news articles now, not opinion/editorial pieces like you linked above claiming to be an “article”. :)[/QUOTE]

An op-ed article is still an article. You’re reaching now.

NPR is one decent source for hard news and journalism, but I’m not sure if you’re one of those folks who buys the smear campaign that tries to claim it’s some kind of partisan enterprise. Most of said folks have never listened to NPR nor visited their website.

[QUOTE=armedferret;2267699]Hmm…the Baltimore Sun must not have spoken with Ms. Wasserman Schultz before printing that “article” you linked. :giggle:


Really? A Democratic congressperson wants to use popular outrage against gun violence to gain support? You don’t say!?

At this point, trying to pass anti-2nd Amendment legislation in congress is akin to trying to outlaw abortion; we all know it’s NEVER going to happen, but talking about it sure does get all of the hacks out in full force to support shitty candidates with no actual solutions to our important problems.

Congresspeople talk a big game and put forth legislation they know will never pass all the time. That’s politics for yas.

Just tryin’ to keep up with you, my dude. :slight_smile:
