- #1 and #3 are from 91 models for sure. Is #2 from a 92-93 model? The front side / center is different.
- Will a 92-93 support fit a 91 model using 91 brackets?
- Are #1 or #3 useable with the damage on the back shown?
I’d like to understand this better myself (since I have three fronts and two rears, none in perfect shape.
2: I think the 90-91 brackets are longer (stick out further from the car), you may have to swap brackets with the support, or fabricate adapters. Compare the back side of the two types of supports you have.
3: The one with the bent end is probably not usable, #1 in the last pic.
The back sides of the supports are the same.
90-91 support=90-91 brackets
92-93 support=92-93 brackets
Both styles of bumpers will bolt to both supports