fuel problem?

I just replaced my timing belt and plugs.The coil is also new.The car still will not start! I took the exit line off of my filter and got no fuel after turning the moter over.Is this the pump or filter.My baby is sick!!! please help.Thank you.

when you turn the key in your car to the on position, listen for the fuel pump to prime. if you don’t hear it, it’s probably your fuel pump or relay. I think there would still be SOME fuel if it was just the filter, but if it hasn’t been replaced in a while, it wouldn’t hurt to get a new one.

I posted this in another thread for someone with the same problem. The ignition tests probably don’t apply to you because you’re not getting fuel pressure. At least read the parts mentioning main fuel relay and the solenoid valve…

Check all of these things. Do NOT spend money until you’ve checked these!

First, before anything… Pull off the cover on your fuse box (down by your clutch). Check the fuse labeled “Alternator Solenoid Valve”. Mine blew and it acted the way you are describing. This is basically what makes the fuel pump pump. No fuse, no fuel.

Secondly, pull your distributor cap off, check the rotor. Is it tight? Is corossion minimal? Check inside the cap, are the posts clean and dust free?

While you’ve got the cap off, check your coil. It’s sitting right on top of your distributor. It has 2 little wires running to the top of it. If you’ve got an “ohm meter” check the voltage on the posts the wires are running to. If the voltage does not ly between 0.6 and 0.8 your coil is bad. Any auto parts store has/sells ohm meters.

Thirdly, test your igniter. It’s tested the same way as the coil. I dont have the specs on the igniter but they can be found in the SEARCH option.

Fourth. Losen the tiny “test” bolt on top of your fuel filter. It’s the tiny bolt sitting on top of the larger bolt. Your fuel filter is resting behind the engine on the firewall nearest the passenger side. After losened, turn the key on but don’t crank it. Does fuel leak out? If yes your car is getting fuel. If no fuel leaks out, and you have already completed step one, (Alternator Solenoid Valve), then you should check your main fuel relay. This step can be done first, or after you’ve tested your ignition system.

Your main fuel relay is located under your dash on the drivers side, either against the firewall above the clutch, or hanging over your clutch by the wiring harness. Mine was hanging. You can’t miss it, it’s a little black box. Roughly around $50.

If no start after all checks are made you may consider having your fuel pump or other more complex ignition components checked by a professional.

fuse $0.15
ohm meter $10 - $20
ignition coil $50 - $72
main fuel relay $50 (acura)
dist. cap $10 - $15
rotor $6 - $10
fuel pump $99 - $225 (pep boys - napa)

If you have any questions you can email me. sfoister@tampabay.rr.com

fuel problem?

Thank everyone for your reply!! I will try these things as soon as I get home.I will post a new thread tomorrow.
