G2IC Shirts / Hoodies coming soon, proceeds to redesign website.

I just can’t seem to find the time to process these. It’s really frustrating. It is on my mind though and I really DO want to do them. I just haven’t been able to get settled enough in my new place yet. Something’s always going on.

Hey I might have a shop who can do the hoodies and shirts if you want more info just get in contact with me

That’s okay. I’ll use the same people I’ve used before. The quality is great and so is the service.

Can’t wait to see the new design

:slight_smile: Hopefully it will work out well.

Well .I unfortunately. Had a backpack incident and my g2ic zipup hoodie ive had since 13 or earlier is i guess gone lost etc
so im in for a xl zip up hoodie black are they longer (from top to bottom. The body of the hoodie
This time?

Like a tall version? I can look into that for the next batch. Right now my focus is a redesign of the site. So I can no longer promise when another order will be sent in.

Count me down for a shirt and sweater

I won’t be doing this in the foreseeable future because I have to put my time towards another business venture. I think at the very least, I’ll just bulk buy some black T shirts and zip up hoodies in L and XL for the time being.

However, I still plan on making the website design changes with the help of some members on the site. If you are interested in helping out, and have a solid understanding of web design, hosting, database migration, etc., please email me at nfulfx@gmail.com.

Good luck on your business venture. Please do find some time to get some new hoodies though. I for some reason decided to paint my house with it on and decided to make it black with white pokadots :rofl: