getting the most HP from intake..please read

back in my olden golden days of my white 91 gs, i built my own intake…ahhh yes that’s right straight oldass exhaust piping that i cleaned the inside and outsides out. point of story?

i coated it w/ several coats of high temp aluminum color paint. i could run the thing as hard as i’d like and it wouldn’t heat up. you would touch it and it would be freeeeezin. now im wondering should i coat my matrix (polished) with that stuff to ensure colder air? right now im runnin a short ram b/c of winter,but i usually run the cold air. just wondering if anyone has conducted such a search. thanks for your time.

a little off topic…

Sorry to be off topic but I still have my cold air intake on because I have no where to put the thing if I take it off and its winter…whats gonna happen if I leave it on, can I be damaging car in anyway?

Help quick!

Chado would like to appologize for his ignorance in advance

if you run through a puddle and water submerges the filter say bye bye to your engine. not very likely to happen, but still i’d rather play safe than sorry w/ a b17a ya know? Make sure you have that cover on (in wheel well…black plastic thing) it’s called hydrolock. do a search on it in the top right hand corner. good luck. later.

thanks, I will check.

info much appreciated :smiley:

everyone I know told me to remove my intake since during winter, due to the cold weather, I could crack up the head… which makes sense, if the air going into the engine is to cold, it could crack the head due to the heat differences…

but i’m in canada and it’s freezing cold up here!

Originally posted by Answer
[B]everyone I know told me to remove my intake since during winter, due to the cold weather, I could crack up the head… which makes sense, if the air going into the engine is to cold, it could crack the head due to the heat differences…

but i’m in canada and it’s freezing cold up here! [/B]

Given that no material that is coating the intake is completely resistant to heat, you don’t have to worry about thermal shock in the head because you’re drawing in air that is too cold. Your engine bay will still heat the air enough to avoid “cracking” the head. Perhaps this would happen if it was -100 outside, but that’s an extreme that you’ll never see.

Originally posted by KegTapper

Given that no material that is coating the intake is completely resistant to heat, you don’t have to worry about thermal shock in the head because you’re drawing in air that is too cold. Your engine bay will still heat the air enough to avoid “cracking” the head. Perhaps this would happen if it was -100 outside, but that’s an extreme that you’ll never see. [/B]

yeah, but on the cold mornings startups, the engine bay isn’t hot… and the inside of the engine is gonna be hot… anyway, I don’t really know if i’m right or not, but I just don’T want to take any chances! I don’t wanna buy a new engine…:slight_smile:

Originally posted by Answer
but i’m in canada and it’s freezing cold up here!

…more like it’s freakin’ cold up here in Quebec:D:D:D Hey Answer, we gonna hook up in the summer or what?



you guys suffering more then me then? Gah, they salted our road. NO SNOW JUST SALT. Apparently black ice or some ****. I dont care ping ping. First time this car has seen winter, its been stored up till I got it, Im not driving it in the snow but this sucks I dont want to be driving the mini van until its snowing and my tobagon (aka 93 'teg) has to sit under car port.

*interesting note

Saw this nice lift ramp in honda tuning 5 mins ago. Gonna look into that, show room my car under my carport…and I could get underneath it easier, I’m not blessed with a garage :frowning: I freeze my ass off to work on car.

Originally posted by The_Oz

…more like it’s freakin’ cold up here in Quebec:D:D:D Hey Answer, we gonna hook up in the summer or what?


Oz [/B]

yeah, that’s what I was meaning! :blush:

next summer, we need a meet somewhere!! if i’m lucky enough, i’m gonna have a brand new paint!! :smiley: maybe even one-pieces!

Originally posted by Answer
everyone I know told me to remove my intake since during winter, due to the cold weather, I could crack up the head… which makes sense, if the air going into the engine is to cold, it could crack the head due to the heat differences…

This is nonsense. This occurs in certain welding situations with aluminum but definitly not with driving.


Originally posted by real9999

This is nonsense. This occurs in certain welding situations with aluminum but definitly not with driving.[/B]

well, for me it makes sense, everyone here are removing their intakes for the winter… so do I! every mechanic I know told me to do so… when the temperatures are at like -25C, it’s quite cold… I just don’t want to take any chances. I don’T know if i’m right or not, but I prefer to play safe!