good 6 1/2 speakers?

what do you guys recommecd for door speakers?
nuttin too expensive , after all im not in competition
suptin in the 100 to 200 dollar range … oh yeah cdn

Re: good 6 1/2 speakers?

Originally posted by On Dubs
what do you guys recommecd for door speakers?
nuttin too expensive , after all im not in competition
suptin in the 100 to 200 dollar range … oh yeah cdn

get the pioneer TS-A1661’s…i’m running 4 of these and they sound amazing!!! got these for $70CAD and they go for about $95CAD at futureshop…

i highly recommend these if you want good quality w/out dropping your wallet.

yea i don’t think you can go wrong by sticking with sumthin like pioneer or even sony for that matter. Just stay away from anything with a paper cone. Something with an actual tweet in the center as well as a firm surround. I’ve had my pioneers in 2 cars covering 4 years and they still sound great!

my .02

For that much money, you can get some great infinity kappa’s and they aren’t even components. Just get a two way or three way speaker and you’ll be satisfied.

when i saw the sony’s i was like im gonna get them but … on the board alot of guys said there shyt… im really leanin toward infinitys for $100 @future shop , i know some one that can get it @ cost

Speakers are all personal taste. Just go to local shops and test them out for yourself. Just stay away from anything Sony, IMO, it’s all complete trash.

infinity 652i :up: :up: :up:

Originally posted by ataparag
infinity 652i :up: :up: :up:

:werd: :clap: by far the BEST coaxials $ for $

as far as components go- for right at $200 the infinity 605CS’s are the best $ for $ - for entry level sound- NO ONE beats Infinity


Originally posted by gen2ls/vtec
[B]: for entry level sound- NO ONE beats Infinity


I have to disagree with you there, maybe it’s the best for your tastes, and the worst for someone else’s tastes. There is no best speaker of all time, only people’s different opinons of what the best speaker is and what they like.

Just go to a local store and check everything out for yourself, because like I said, one speaker could be my favorite…while someone else couldn’t pay you enough to listen to it. I’d check out anything crystal, cerwin vega, and infinity. All great low priced quality made speakers. Good Luck bro!

OK let me say that for $100-200 - NO ONE will get what they want exactly out of coaxials. This has bvery little to do with my tastes- My taste for door speakers START at about $400 and go from there. Hell, I dont even put a system in my car anymore cuz I’m always dissatisfied with the results.

For $100, there is not a coaxial that performs better than thte 652I- and the same goes for the 605CS for $200. Maybe if you give an examply of a model # then we can take this further


yeah, definately don’t get sony’s, I have a set of 6.5" 3ways in the back and they distort bad on a couple songs where there is low bass where my Ultimate 6.5" Components don’t. The Ultiamtes are a little out of your price range (about $300 or so) but if you can get some on sale they sound amazing!

spend 130.00 and get some infinity 63.5’s on ebay. They’re fu(kin crazy. i have them in the front and am in love with them. the only problem i had w/ them is that the bowl part of the speaker basket has to be cut off.

I’ve Polk audios in mine & their FANTASTIC:up: It all depends on the frequncies u’re looking for. I got the GXR6s because i was lookin for more high freg (treble) than low freq (bass) but Polk does have a set of good low freq 6 1/2 also. I got mine at circuit city for 79.95 and a 3 yr blow out warranty w/ it for $24 more. tou can’t beat that . Plus like evryone said, you can actually listen to the differences in the frequencies before you buy them. the other i’d look for is rubber surrounding vs foam. the rubber will be WAY MORE durable. that’s my $.02

personally i could not go out and buy cheep speakers! I wen t out and found the best ones for my preferences in music and i bought em! Your best bet is to go to a car audio store! not future shop or radio shack where they just gonna sell you some crap they got a special deal on cause they buy it in bulk but go to a real store that will listen to you and give you what you need and not what they need to sell! I went out and bout a set of Boston Acoustic rally 6.5 components for the back about 3 years ago and they were in my beater! a year later i transplanted them into the back of my teg and bought the new 6.5 rallys for the front! So i got 2 sets of components and the sound is ammmmazzzing! If i was you i would save up and get quality! Sound systems are like mods you get what you pay for and if you wanna crank up the distortion go to future shop…but if you wanna go deaf and hear the song at the same time do your home work and visit some car audio specific stores!:up:

I bought the infinitys and i love em. good stuff.

Originally posted by Adamm
[B]I have to disagree with you there, maybe it’s the best for your tastes, and the worst for someone else’s tastes. There is no best speaker of all time, only people’s different opinons of what the best speaker is and what they like.

Just go to a local store and check everything out for yourself, because like I said, one speaker could be my favorite…while someone else couldn’t pay you enough to listen to it. I’d check out anything crystal, cerwin vega, and infinity. All great low priced quality made speakers. Good Luck bro! [/B]


thats the best advice you can get. but if you absolutely MUST buy blindly, then i guess infinity wins the vote. i personally dont like em, i would look at dei, cdt, or image dynamics.

Infinity Kappa’s :up: :horny: <- Just thinking about them!

Hey if you need to buy some, I can get you a deal on them…

But as for which ones to get…I use to have infinity’s all the way round…I love infinity’s to death and nothing but the best goes in my car. But the 6.5’s in the doors just didn’t do it imo. So I went and got some Cerwin-Vega’s for the front…now I was REALLY impressed becuase it was exactly what I liked about the infinity’s (the clear sound) but it had the clear sound along with the added extra bass that 6.5’s usually are hard to get in our doors.

I have the Cerwin-Vega HED 162 or !65 I believe and they are just AWESOME! If you like infinity’s you’ll love these 6.5 cerwin-vega’s.

my email is if you want to buy from me…I have a link to my outdated website in my sig. Just get me a part or model number and I will get you a price. If you need a deck or amp as well also…well anything audio/visual I can getf for yah.

I’ve got the cv HED 165’s in my car right now to hold me over and I love them too. I got a brand new pair for $35. My hed’s are somewhat lacking in the midbass department, but I’m sure they are better than any of the infinitys coax’s in the same setup with just as good high’s. I don’t too much care for infinity’s because they have too little midbass for me wich is very important to blend well with your sub, or if you don’t have a sub, to bring a little bass to your car. BUT… they do have nice highs and are very well made speakers. They just aren’t my taste.:slight_smile:

gen2 ls/vtec. I’m not going to argue with you, speakers are about 90% personal taste, and %10 quality. That’s like arguing that the color green is the BEST color EVER made out of the primary colors. YOU may think that it’s the best color ever made in it’s class, but I may hate the color and think red is the best color ever made in primary colors. Who is right? Neither, who’s to say who’s right? Speakers are all about personal tastes. There is no “best speaker ever made” in it’s price range, size, etc. Only YOUR personal favorite speaker. So just because a speaker is your personal favorite, doesn’t mean it’s my favorite or “the best”. And just because I don’t like a certian speaker, doesn’t mean you won’t like it either. :bow: