Grommet for antenna hole?

Hey guys - excuse my ignorance but what does the radio block off plate do and does anyone have a picture of it installed?

It is my assumption that it blocks the head unit from view of someone looking into our vehicles. I would really like to see one installed if there is such a thing every since I saw the stock pull down unit in Eri’s Del Sol “Jiggly Puff”.

Nate the block off plate is essentially a plate that goes where he radio would be, if u didn;t get that option to have one. BTW u go on AIM anymore?

Hi Robbie!

Thank you for the sexplanation! Have you ever seen a stock pull down cover that could be retrofit onto our DA’s like Eri’s Jiggly Puff? I would definitely do that - would save me the time of having to detach the faceplate at every stop!

As for AIM - I will be on more now that school is done bro - catch you later and I will see you soon - like in two weeks! Take care - drive safe (I know I will - 60 hrs round trip)

Ok, the US part # no workie … any Canadian bros have a plug in there? I want one quick!

I got my plug from here

for all you guys not able to get them at the dealer…

.J. : I love your sig man, too funny…

thanks GrvDiggaz …

any othe places guys? Hoping to get this locally if possible.

I’ve called a couple of Canadian Honda Dealers and they say the part number doesn’t exist.

I want to get the plug too but I don’t want to drive to the states.

Can you use any additive that could make paint stick to that grommet? I like the idea, but would hate to put a black dot on my white teg…

question about the plug …

Is the cap metal or plastic? I bought the wiper plug, and it was a nice metal piece … can’t tell from the pic battlecat posted. Anyone?

And .J., if you read this, how did yours end up fitting? Any leaks?


the cap is metal, kind of a dull finish, but definately metal.

thanks battlecat … lol didn’t think to ask you because I don’t see you much on here! thanks again.