GSR 5 speed Tranny ... best place 2 buy

well im kinda a noob when it comes to finding parts i kno the 92-92 gsr is pretty rare but im lookin for find a gsr tranny rebuilt or practically new… g2ic where cld i find one and a realistic price

Best sources will be Honda-tech NWP4Life and G2ic, possibly craigslist or ebay. And you may check japanese engine resellers for 92-93 XSi transmissions (same as GSR YS1). Finding one is hard enough, but finding one in good condition is even harder. Used but decent/good condition I’d expect prices to be $350-$500. Rebuilt it could be $600-$1000 depending on the specifics.

My personal suggestion when it comes to transmissions is that you should be prepared to spend a pretty penny to get yourself a trans that you trust. Buying any used trans is a risk, usually you can’t test it out and even if you could it’s difficult t tell the actual condition. A trans that feels fine now may be 5k miles away from needing a complete rebuild, and unless you know a lot about transmissions and can pull one apart to inspect it, you really have no idea what you’re buying. I personally wouldn’t spend much money on a used trans because of that. I’d prefer to buy a trans that is KNOWN to have problems and is thus cheaper, then put money into making it new again. Or buy a YS1 case and a newer hydro trans (newer should mean there’s a higher chance of it being in good condition) and put those gears into the YS1 case. And in general I don’t trust anyone else’s “rebuilt” transmission. People throw that term around very loosely and it could mean just about anything. I would only trust someone’s “rebuilt” statement if it came w/ a receipt from a reputable transmission builder showing all the labor and parts which were installed. A quality transmission rebuild, with all OEM parts is going to run well over $1000 in parts and labor.

I have a ys1 ls tranny … Complete the release fork n sprimg is broken … Wat wld i need to get to make it gsr as far as internals…

you would need the gsr internals from any gsr transmission.

I would contact this guy:up: (201)716-9280 i have a b16 trans with an ls fifth from him, and i love it! he does gs-r’s as well. :rockon: Jasper-