I have an extra rear hatch off a DB2 that i had at one time. the ? is what is this glass worth? Any help would be great?
The diff. is that the gsr glass has no spot for the third brake light. so it is harder to come by. so what does a LS glass go for?
When my GSR rear glass shattered after a tree limb fell on it, I just installed the rear glass from an LS/GS/RS taken from the junkyard since the local glass installer was quoting a crazy price for original GSR glass. Try asking for a quote from a local installer from your place. There’s a night and day difference between “new” glass and stuff from a junker.
so what you are saying is that the gsr glass is worth something?
This is how I look at it. To an LS/GS/RS owner needing a rear glass, it might not mean much since he/she can’t mount the high brake light unless the car has a GSR/aftermarket rear spoiler with LEDs, in which case he or she can use it. The GSR owner will not put a premium on the GSR glass since he could do with a wrecker LS/GS/RS rear glass (he has better chances of finding them than GSR ones) unless he is willing to pay the premium to keep the car as close to spec as possible, Auto glass shops might be interested, but they’ll chew you down on the price since they won’t tie their money on an item whose demand is dwindling (there are less G2 and lesser G2-GSRs on the road). Is the glass un-mounted or is it mounted on a disassembled hatch? I’d say ask the wrecking yards how much they would charge for a rear hatch with glass for a G2 or even a G3 and just play around with that number. In such a situation, I think your best bet is not to make as much money out of it but to cut your losses and find a price that would get it out of your garage.
I bought a clean LS hatch with the glass from a pick’ N pull. $40 bucks. Just giving you a ball park figuire.
Junkyards might rape you a little more though.
thanks for the input. i will have to call around and see what a glass place charges for some gs-r glass.