Heater gone wacko!

well my heater works really well when it decides to work. It only work sometimes. Like when i stop at a lihght it goes completely cold. and then i take off and it warms back up as long as the rpm is at 2k or more. Also, sometimes it doesnt work even then, like its tempermental. I might be due to my temp gauge being messed up. Does the heater turn off it the temp gauge hits red line? cause my temp gauges bounces off redline alot cause it wacko and just flings back and forth for no reason! (but only does this after the car is warmed up to normal temp!

it could be that a connection isnt fully connected, check all the wires that you can

It sounds like your coolant level is pretty low. Are you sure the gauge is not accurate? If the engine temperature is really bumping around like that there could be a lot of air in the system due to it being low, and air doesn’t transfer engine heat as well as the coolant does

Well its not my coolant. cause my radiator is full and its only like a 2 month old dual core instead radiator instead of a single core!

But im gonna check the wiring of it tomorrow and see what happens, and im also gonna take off my reverse indiglo gauge off the temp gauge so i can make sure that isnt the problem!
