[QUOTE=fcm;1967759]The red lead plugged into the fuse box, [free pin] was a lead for some aftermarket electrical device, [alarm, gauges amp control lead], the terminal it is plugged into is one of the “free pins” used for powering aftermarket electronics, not sure which free pin that is, but there will be at least one 12V+ constant, [hot at all times] a 12V+ 2nd ign., [hot in run] a 12V+ illumination, [hot when park/head lights are on] the illumination free pin can be used for light flash from an alarm.
Remove the red lead it is not needed.
I am not sure what you mean by " pix of proper wiring?"???
The red lead in engine bay was the power lead for an aftermarket amp, it was not properly run in the first place so you need to remove it also.
If the stock HU, [radio] is still in the car the previous owner probably added a sub, [and amp] to the stock system, the red lead in the engine bay was the amps power and the red lead in the under dash fuse box was the control, [turn on] lead for the amp.
Hint… follow the amps power lead to where the amp was mounted, [do not just pull the lead out] to see how the amp was mounted, if the previous owner drilled holes in the cars floor pan to mount the amp, repair the holes now to prevent rusting and to prevent moisture from getting into the car through the holes.
The clock is resetting because there is no 12V+ constant power, [hot at all times] check fuse 14 - 15A, [hot at all times] in under dash fuse box, it is the courtesy lights fuse and memory fuse for the radio and probably the clocks memory also.
There are many reasons why the cruise control is not working, if the CC indicator light comes on when you turn CC on then it is not a blown fuse, [fuse 24 - 15A]
You are going to need a multimeter to do some testing at the “Cruise Control Unit” :hmm:94[/QUOTE]
the proper wiring pix i was wanting are for the fog fuse. there’s only one wire comgin from the fuse and i wanted to know when i repair it where it would lead to.
THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY!! im gunna get to work on it today and check it out. :rockon: also, the cig lighter isnt working. LOL. seems like the previous owner had a ball with this one. poop!