HELP! JDM fog bulb installation?

how do i get the fog light bulb out of my usdm and into my jdm? I just dont get it!

i kinda have the same question, one of my fog lights is dimmer than the other and it looks odd at night, so i wanted to switch in a bulb from my USDM lights and see if that fixes the prob…

so in that case, anyone know how to get out the bulbs in the JDM headlights? :wink:

unscrew the two screws on top of the light, it will wither have an R or an L on it, there you can unscrew one of the screws that holds the metal clasp and then it basiclly lifts out. you do however have to take the white string lookin thing and take needle nose plires and reach past the black boot and pull it out. its kind of vague im sorry but i HTH.