Help with my new 92 GS

Hey guys, after not owning an integra for the last year and a bit I finally picked up another and returned to the forum and I am happy to be back.

I bought a red 92 GS from my buddy’s coworker for $600. Came with brand new winter tires, recent head gasket, timing belt, brake pads (rotors are crap though), and a clutch (which is actually what $500 of the purchase price of the car was for)

I am having a few issues with the car and I hope I can get help.

First issue is that the previous owner tightened the cable adjuster to the max and the car had little grab on the clutch and was only engaging at the top. I loosened the adjuster back off a lot and now the clutch is able to grab better but still not fully and still slips over 40% throttle. I was wondering if the pedal possibly being bent could be part of the issue as I once in a blue moon have difficulty putting it in gear and have read the clutch pedal is prone to bending and causes this issue but also wonder if that could be part of my slip issue? I do have a brand new clutch that the previous owner gave me for free(well technically I bought the clutch and the car was free lol) but I’d like to rule out all possibilities before replacing the clutch.

Next issue is the valve cover bolt for the ground wire was over tightened and sheered the threads off, I noticed that the under side of the bolt has threads. Is the valve cover to head bolt able to come out and is it reverse threaded? Its leaking since the valve cover isn’t fully bolted down now and I don’t want to replace the head just for a bolt.

My last issue is the passenger floor leak issue, I will be fixing the problem that causes the issue but what I’d like to know is if anyone could tell me how to dry out the floor? I was thinking baking soda but that could potentially leave a mess and be harder to remove the powder and the other thing I tried has a portable heater which didn’t do anything but cause the car to smell.

I also might have an issue with my heating system as it doesn’t want to come out of the vents, I can feel heat and hear the blower going but can’t feel it blowing out any vent. I think the evap might be full of crap and need to be cleaned as it sounds like stuff is moving around it there at times. I will get working on this in the next two days and if I can’t figure it out I’ll ask for help but it shouldn’t be an issue.

I will post up some pictures soon, I haven’t gotten any yet. The rear quarter panel on the passenger side needs to be replaced badly as there is a chunk missing due to rust but the rest of the car is in great condition minus a bit of surface rust around the windshield which I will be correcting very soon.

  • Typically, if the clutch is slipping and is NOT fixable with adjustment of the cable, its the clutch disk that is going bad. When you replace the clutch, also do the Pilot Bearing, Throwout Bearing and Helper-Spring that connects to the clutch-fork inside the bellhousing.

    Spring is part#5 on this illustration:

  • The bolts that hold the Valve-Cover on can indeed be replaced. Remove the remaining bolts, lift the valve cover off. Once the ValveCover is off, you will be able to get a wrench on the bolt and remove it. Replace it with the new bolt, and re-torque. You should change your ValveCover gasket, as well as Spark-Plug-Tunnel gaskets.

    The Bolt is either part# 17 or 18, depending which one broke. And the Gasket-Kit is part#1. But you can get the gasket kit from AutoZone if you’d like.

  • For drying out the car… do NOT try to use baking soda or any other powder. All you’re going to do is create more of a mess. Leave the doors open, and use a floor fan or box-fan. Circulate air… keep it moving… That’s how you dry it out. Being that its getting colder and colder, you really need to get that taken care of. Of course, leaving the car in a heated garage for a few days should solve that.

  • If you’re not getting any AIR (hot or cold) through your vents then you have a blockage somewhere… Either in the BlowerMotor itself or in the duct-work that is in the dash.