hey, FCM where u at man??? i know u got an answer for me lolz…
bascially on both of my cars im having different problems with my hids.
on my beater one of my 3000k hids is off color. It still lights up and works but its not yellow anymore- it looks burnt orange. no idea wuts going on with this. (h1 bulbs)
on my integra one of my lights are completely out. When you first turn on the headlights one will come on fine the other will turn on and as it gets brighter it will flicker and go off…no clue (h4h bulbs)
any ideas??
grounds? have you checked them yet?
i have not lol. i dunno how it would be that.
my guess is its an issue with that stupid password jdm harness. that thing was such a waste of 25bucks-
i thought if it was a ground issue it wouldnt come on at all.
maybe a spotty ground or bad ballast. i guess we’ll see what other folks think. good luck!
How long have you had your yellow hids? The hids on my accord i had the same problem. I had the blue color ones and after about 1 yr later one of them changed color more white than blue. I read that when they change color or dim they usally burn out a liltle bin later. Sure enough a week later it burned out. So maybe thats your problem. Also where did you get your hids frm and what brand are they. I got mine from Ebay and have no problems same seller i get my hid bulbs from for $25 shipped.
well the ones changing color i got from a forum on e30tech. im going to have to look that up i guess and contact them.