Hey Guys, I figured since I didn’t see anyone else start this…I might as well. I just got back from 2 awesome days in Orlando Florida. It was a whole 90 minute drive for me but man it was a blast!! I saw a yellow s2k run a 8.8 second Quarter Mile @ 168 mph. There was a ton of East Coast Hondas and Acuras represented.
I was a bit disappointed in the Second Gen turnout. Out of approximately 2000 show cars, I saw a total of only 3 DA9’s and not even one single DB2 represented. My DB2 is currently under a bay shave and full tuck so I hope to be out there next year.
Anyway, they were giving away a fully built Integra Type R to one lucky winner. They would call one or two names from the drawing every hour or so…each person would get a key and at the end, whomever was able to start the car, wins it. I’ll post some pics in awhile.
So, if anyone has any pics, videos, or comments from this years Honda Day…feel free to add them here.