hood dampers?

whats the best way to install a set of tein hood dampers for a s2k that can be moddified to fit the DA? thanks for the help

mods psh, i went to a local place that sells hydrolic lifters just like those, bought the ones the right size and lift for hte weight of my hood, bought some hardwhere there, and did that. works perfect. and only cost me $50

ok? still not helping but alright, what i wanted to know is how and to install them and where?

hmm i would imagine it would be the same as if you did it on the car theyre made for?

try searching around hondatech or something for pics of some installd, and justk inga mock them up so they lift and the way u awant the hood to open, and make sure if u mount them that way that the hood stays open, and shuts completely.

i think just looking at pics will give u a really good idea, thats what i did

the guy i bought them from showed me detailed pics and a walk through of how to install them , thanks for the help guys:bow: