hood wont shut

the hood opening lever near the driverside door will open, and stay in the open position.

the only way i can get it to close is to put a bar going from the botton of the centre console and holds the hook open lever in the closed position

even then its not a gaurenteed close everytime

ive used wd40 on the latch i guess its called

check the bottom of your latch, where the cable goes into it. on my first DA it always got jammed and i had to push the cable back manually.

checked it and fixed it thanks alot

The same thing happens to my GSR. During the non-winter months, when you drop the hood the latch automatically engages and pulls the lever in. In winter I normally wiggle the latch-end of the cable before dropping the hood. Works for me. Stumbled upon this ghetto fix when I tried doing the non-winter fix in winter to no avail. Planned to take the latch, lever, and cable assemble apart to clean and replace parts this summer but never got to do it.

Ha ha! Just noticed the location of everyone on this thread.

Is this a Canadian thing? Enough reason to say that winter’s in boys.

Neat, eh?

roffle, i caught the canadian thing as well.

i have this problem with mine as well. i usually put a screwdriver down in the latch to compress the spring manually. hood latches every time. how can this be fixed permanantly? what parts are needed to be replaced? i did some searching on this a few years back and never found anything, i just gave up on it because my “manual reset” trick hasn’t failed me yet.

im not sure but i believe its the cable that would need to be replaced, or at least lubed fully if thats possible?? if you haven’t tried yet, try spraying some type of penetrant spray all over the latch and cable. this should make everything work a little better.

In United States, Connecticut.



mine did that take a rag and a can of wd40 spray and wipe off the latch or until then push the bottom part of the latch towards the drivers side b4 closing the hood should fix the problem