It started as a few small drips every once in a while, but is now pretty much a raging torrent of water when it rains. The watter litterally pours in from the automatic seatbelt guide right above my window switches, it dripps fast from where my visor is screwed to the roof, and it just started dripping slowly from the clip for the visor. I recently covered the outter edge of the top and the drivers side of the windshield with gorilla tape, it has slowed a little bit but it still rains in my car. I have to cover my seat with a garbage bag when it looks like its gonna rain or else my ass gets wet on the drive home and my car smells like mildew for days.
What else can I do to keep the rain out, at this point I dont really care what the outter edge of my windshield looks like as long as I can drive in the rain without getting wet. Its getting very VERY VERY[size=4]ANNOYING[/size]:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: out of 5