Hydro to Cable conversion

Has anyone done this put there cable trans into a 92-00 civic basically a hydro driven car?? And if so how is it done? Wht did you do to the slave cylinder?? Wheres the cable ran if need??? Im juss curious if u can go one way hydro to cable why not the other way?? Post ur thoughts ideas suggestions opinions 2 cent lol

in theory, just running a cable in place of the hydro lines would be where its at.

but you do know that you can take the guts from the cable trans and swap them into the hydro case for super smoother shifts AND the ratios you want.

unless you dont have the hydro trans anymore.

Tru i kno that but this cable tranny is super smooth lik butter no grinds no pop outs…dont hav the hydro trans avail thas why we are using the cable trans

Bump!! All these views n one replies no one has done this??

Iv got a 95 GSR hydro transmission with a cable conversion. Do you want pics? And i bet people don’t want to reply to this thread because its about a civic and not a G2 teg. And this is also the GD forum,not a help forum.

probably not all that involved. you’d need the cable clutch pedal assembly, and a means of routing the cable. it is a downgrade though. a hydraulic system will always be more precise

Tru i understand juss trying to hav a discuss cuz ppl out there do do it dont get me wrong i am a g2 owner and a topic that came up n i wanted to share n see other ppls thoughts…send pics 91_ls