after weeks of trying without it, i finally caved and bought a powerbuilt crank holder tool from amazon. I put the thing on and used my 26" prybar to get the bolt off. a minute later, the bolt finally cracks and turns! whoohoo for me!! let me know if any of you ever need it!!
i need it, can i borrow
conragulations pal!
i bought one the other day but im using it to tighten the bolt. i seen the horror stories of the bolt was not tight enouph and works its self off and damages the crank shaft. i got mine on ebay for 38 somthing
Same here. Every impact drive, socket, penetrating lubricant I used failed to get my tight crankshaft bolt loose. When the tool got to my house, I had the bolt off in two minutes. It wasn’t very expensive, like $25 on amazon.
ahhh i remember my first time tackling the crank bolt… went thru 2 different air guns… 4broken extentions. 2broken breaker bars. hrs n hrs of pain n suffering… n finnally 5min torch… memories… never want to do that again… the irony of this story… it wasnt my car!!! n i gota change mine soon =[
yea, come pick it up.
yup, that’s the one.
my buddy had that tool too when the 2nd or 3rd time i needed it came around.
first time i didnt have access to air guns, compressor, etc… i forgot how i did it, but i remember laying under the car, i think i had the transmission off, and using my foot to push on the breaker bar for leverage. on another engine, changing out the pulley for a CTR pulley, this crank pulley tool came in handy, then i got access to a compressor & air gun, and it was never an issue ever again. hahaha
i hhad someone try their airgun on it. 10 munites later… nothing happened. i don’t know what could have happened! i took the crank pulley off a year ago before putting the engine as i needed to swap pulleys! it should have been easier than this. oh well. now i have to set the timing on the car as it now runs funny. sucks to be me
hmmm i must’ve been lucky. borrowed my buddy’s impact and just blipped it off first try. although it was a snap-on or matco impact hooked up to a 125 gallon compressor. :rockon:
Yeah i’ve always been lucky. Always had the use of a large compressor and an impact gun. Took it right off.