i guess its time to start one of these !

yessss no rain, there will be work done today as long as the rain holds off going to start in about an hour or so !!!

bad news guys…i cant find my keys anyware…ive looked everywere and cant find them…if i cant find them i can do the side of my car :frowning: so pissed right now

i know i said there would be updates on the body today, but i lost my keys and still cant find them…so i spent my entire day looking for those ! sorry guys

il lget pics up as soon as work is done !

i have a spare key still from every car ive owned.

not because ive kept it on purpose, but because ive made and lost so many spares, that ive found them over time while cleaning/moving/etc…
good luck!

[QUOTE=OMG Its Weasel;2177700]spares.
i have a spare key still from every car ive owned.

not because ive kept it on purpose, but because ive made and lost so many spares, that ive found them over time while cleaning/moving/etc…
good luck![/QUOTE]

the sad thing is, i was comimg home from my cousins wedding this weekend and was going to go make a copy TODAY !!! only to wake up and find out there no were to be found ! as soon as i find them or somehow get another one…im making like ten copies ! and giving them to family and hiding some !

Never lost a key my entire life.

cops searched my old car & apartment once and lost the whole key ring though… on purpose or not, who knows.

wife and i both have keys to everything though, still need to make a copy of my teg key but i rarely lock it anyway… the only thing worth anything is the interior itself. :stuck_out_tongue:

good news…i tore apart my door today to get my lock out so i can go get keys made becase i really cant find mine haha…finally got it out after a little manuvering, took it to the lock smitch 5 minutes later walked out the door with two new keys for under 30 bucks !!!

body work will continue tomorrow !!! with pics !

Take your title to the dealer, thell make you a key

nice build BTW :slight_smile:

i went and got keys today…there ugly and all silver and HUGE !!! but they work…im go get acura dealer ones soon though…

thanks for the compliments guys

i promised you guys pictures…there not much but they are pictures…anyways onto the pics

some must haves to do the job…

little more on the fender

ficing the side as best as i can, looks way better in person… a new cut out piece will be put in probably next summer or spring…

i was gunna post a picture of how we got in but im sure everyone knows how to break into there own car…soo ill leave those ones out…
taking out my lock so i can go get new keys made :frowning:

my buddy helping me with the trunk…also getting leadership hours for a class he is taking in college…( the reason he is in the picture )

anyways thats all i got for now…finishing the side tomorrow and paint this weekend…sunday the car will be a diffrent color… till next summer…

enjoy guys

looks better than mine does after smacking it out from the inside. the bottom didn’t come out worth a shit but the big dent right under the side molding came out pretty nice. (little lumpy, but still.)
i did find $2.10 in change though, mmm beer.

if i can get my hands on a welder (probably mig) or even stud welder dent repair kit i will probably cut and weld in a new panel and work out the rest with a slide hammer. kinda need to weld a few other areas on the car anyway, like where some dumbass put a hole in the car with a jack stand or something.

not trying to jack your thread, just glad to see that fixing my own body damage isn’t going to be QUITE as difficult as i thought since i saw your before and semi-after pics.

oh yeah dude no problem…

if you have the same dent on the side its way eaiser then it looks to pound it out… just got to take off the panel on the inside and beat the shit out of it a little bit !

the bottom is going to take some convincing ! but like it said…next year after winter is over im gunna cut it out and weld in a whole new piece…

body work should be done today though ill get up some more pics of finished product…later tonight

[QUOTE=shakey021;2178108]taking out my lock so i can go get new keys made :frowning:

is this an actuator for my door locks ? or is it somthing else im not completly sure since it doesnt really hook up to anything its just kinda sitting there…the owner before me put it in…

any help to knowing what this is would be great, because my alarm ( keyless entry ) isnt hooked up completly because i wasnt sure if i had acuators or not when my buddy at cartoys put my alarm in so he said he could do it later after i bought the parts… but if i already have them might as well get them working

Yep actuator. I’ll have to say whoever did the install really made it difficult on themselves.
:frowning: :down:

yeah looks pretty hokie to mee…that should probably be the next project after i finish this body work and paint !!!

got alot done before the rain hit ! Stupid Washington

not a very good picture but you can kinda see that its straight again …

before i finished layed another coat after this one and it leveled it all out !

that looks damn good as-is, I like it.
if i can get mine that straight with a welder, slide hammer & a bit of bondo i wouldn’t even bother cutting and welding.
it’s just a car, i don’t plan on mine being anywhere near show quality anyway, i kind of LIKE not having to worry about coming out of the grocery store and finding a shopping cart ding/scratch.
just be nice not to have a huge noticeable dent on the side.

I might just go with a black/white/gray camo pattern when its all said and done… hah. only slightly kidding.
it would be different that’s for sure.

haha camo, back in the day when people were doin camo jobs all the time.

yeah my buddy swung/swang/ came through lol last night after he got off work, and was like god damn that is ALMOST perfect…he asked how much was on there, i told him barley any. i pounded it ouf ro about 2.5 hours before i started laying the filler so i didnt have to use so much…

good luck to you man ! post pics of progress and techniques you use to do yuours

my weekend…dont for now ! next summer stripped all over again new quarter panel hood fenders and new color…

i will still keep you updated on things that get done throughout the winter time…

all tapped ALMOST READY to get paint, needed some more sanding

first coat

progress of second coat

finished product till next summer

still needs to be wetsanded and buffed… will probably take care of that through out the week,