I recently did alignment and then....

Alright so I bought coilover and camber kits a few weeks back. I Installed it and did alignment on it. It was riding smooth with no problems. (I took it to Sears btw) they said that my front was maxed out was to low to adjust. So I was like okay that’s fine I have no problem with it. I drove it for a couple weeks now and I raised up the height on my coilovers. Ever since i raised it up my steering wheel has been moving to to the right while driving. Also whenever I brake my steering wheel slightly turns to the right. I decided to take it back to sears because I had warranty on the alignment. That punk said my car was too low and I have aftermarket suspension on and they said they can’t do it no more unless I pay the $70 bucks again. My car was dropped when I first brought it in and then now they tell me this .I was like F.U so i took off. So what should I do guys . How can I stop my steering wheel from going to the right so much.?I don’t want to spend no more money cause i’m broke. any suggestions?

dont know if you have one around you, but Firestone has free alignments for life.
if you get someone who is actually enthusiastic about cars that helps you, they might even align it how you want. i did this with my last car (full suspension with a rear end exclusive to the european model of the car) and they loved seeing it come back every month or so ahah

If you can’t spend any more money then the only thing you can do is try to lower it back down to exactly where you had it when it was aligned, which would be extremely difficult.
You say that Sears said you would have to pay $70 again, did you have some sort of agreement with them that you wouldn’t pay for another alignment? Like OMG Weasel said, Firestone has a lifetime alignment deal for like $170 but I wasn’t aware that Sears had anything like that.

Might want to check the fine print on the alignment warranty.

Some places can void the warranty if you alter the suspension after the alignment is done.

Well you did alter the suspension after they did an alignment and now it probably needs another alignment, why are you pissed about that ?
I guess if you B.S.'d them and didn’t tell them you changed the ride height after their alignment and they told you it was going to cost again to “check it” you might have had a leg to stand on but not now after you were up front with them.
Don’t want to suggest we all go around B.S.'ing the people we get to do work on our cars but let’s not complain when we screw something up by ourselves and then get pissed off when somebody else won’t bail us out for free.
Sorry to come down on you, but let’s face it they probably don’t owe you anything after you changed the ride height. Maybe a discount because you are a repeat customer but that’s up to them, especially if they want you to come back and recommend them to all your buddies who need alignments, oh well.

OP- Tighten your radius rod nut. Its loose.

Yes that’s true it is my fault but oh well you know…any other suggestions…i’ve tighten the bolt on the rack and it rides a little better now but still turns to the right very slightly…

[QUOTE=bunracer;2179197]Well you did alter the suspension after they did an alignment and now it probably needs another alignment, why are you pissed about that ?
I guess if you B.S.'d them and didn’t tell them you changed the ride height after their alignment and they told you it was going to cost again to “check it” you might have had a leg to stand on but not now after you were up front with them.
Don’t want to suggest we all go around B.S.'ing the people we get to do work on our cars but let’s not complain when we screw something up by ourselves and then get pissed off when somebody else won’t bail us out for free.
Sorry to come down on you, but let’s face it they probably don’t owe you anything after you changed the ride height. Maybe a discount because you are a repeat customer but that’s up to them, especially if they want you to come back and recommend them to all your buddies who need alignments, oh well.[/QUOTE]

yes, it is my fault but now i want to fix it by myself is it possible??

radius nut where is it exactly?..sorry kinda newbie here with suspension…

[QUOTE=Gekko;2179185]If you can’t spend any more money then the only thing you can do is try to lower it back down to exactly where you had it when it was aligned, which would be extremely difficult.
You say that Sears said you would have to pay $70 again, did you have some sort of agreement with them that you wouldn’t pay for another alignment? Like OMG Weasel said, Firestone has a lifetime alignment deal for like $170 but I wasn’t aware that Sears had anything like that.[/QUOTE]

Nah i didnt have no deal with them but maybe i should try firerstone…

The easiest way I can explain the location is, if you go under the car and you see a skinny metal bar going from the wheel suspension to the front of the car. That is the radius rod. And there are two of them. One for the drivers side and one for the passenger. You might have to remove the plastic cover to see the end of this rod.

So where it ends in the front of the car, there is a nut securing it in. See if that is loose. You’ll need a deep socket to see if it is loose. Using your finger probably wont do. Tighten it to spec.

Let me tell you, on the freeway, everytime I brake hard, the car drifted to the left. I was kicking my ass looking for the culprit. Until I found this nut was freaking loose. I tightened it, the drift totally dissappeared. Back to normal.

[QUOTE=91akira;2179407]The easiest way I can explain the location is, if you go under the car and you see a skinny metal bar going from the wheel suspension to the front of the car. That is the radius rod. And there are two of them. One for the drivers side and one for the passenger. You might have to remove the plastic cover to see the end of this rod.

So where it ends in the front of the car, there is a nut securing it in. See if that is loose. You’ll need a deep socket to see if it is loose. Using your finger probably wont do. Tighten it to spec.

Let me tell you, on the freeway, everytime I brake hard, the car drifted to the left. I was kicking my ass looking for the culprit. Until I found this nut was freaking loose. I tightened it, the drift totally dissappeared. Back to normal.[/QUOTE]

Thanks it helped out a bunch…but it still slightly still turns to the right…can it be my axle too?..cause my axle boot is ripped both sides actually …I have lifetime warranty for the left side axle probably gotta replace both…

Get an alignment. You raised your car. Toe is thrown off.

yeah probably will…but just wondering what do they actually adjust any ways…

They will lengthen or shorten your tie rods to correct the toe in or toe out situation that has been altered from the last time you had the alignment done when you raised the car back up with your adjustable coilovers