I wanted to know the best way to get my cluster needles orange/red love how it looks

Any great ideas, my brother has a 97 prelude SH his cluster needles are red stock. any ideas to get them that color without messing up the function of the needles:read:

Never mind i found an answer to my own question:ok:


Post pics of the finished product when your done.

I may try it to but I want to have and Idea of what it look like.



[QUOTE=Silchuki14;1900670]Post pics of the finished product when your done.

I may try it to but I want to have and Idea of what it look like.


ok when you do this make sure you tape it good or else you’ll have some permanent marker were you don’t want it, i was too lazy to tape it correctly, but its barely noticeable i love the look.:rockon: ill post pic’s soon

Ok i re-did it this time carefully, so it came out nice.:up:

did you use the marker like the other guy did??? how does it look at night under the dash lights?? nice work btw

yeah used a sharpie i recommend if you do this take your time. looks great at night can see it all clearly ill post pic’s later when it gets dark if you still wanna see them.

that looks good, i think i may do this to my jdm cluster

yes… some night pics please hehhe… anyone feel that 5.8 mag quake here in SOcal??

thread jack

instead of just colouring them red or orange what about puttin in some needles that light up. i already tried takin out the two little lights up top that light it all up and i didnt like not seein the needles as clearly.

I used a red sharpie back when I had mine.

[QUOTE=Overlord;1905044]thread jack

instead of just colouring them red or orange what about puttin in some needles that light up. i already tried takin out the two little lights up top that light it all up and i didnt like not seein the needles as clearly.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn’t that be a little hard, I’d love to try it but i don’t see how its doable :shrug:

prolly would be hard, but i think it would be alot better personally.

[QUOTE=DA9;1901377]Ok i re-did it this time carefully, so it came out nice.:up:

[/QUOTE]looks nice. i’m gonna give it a try.

Not hard at all. Just remove thos lights above the cluster and put a mini blacklight there. Then, paint the needles with glow in the dark paint and you are done.

i wondered about using blacklights and such to get them to glow, but i dont know where or if you can get a blacklight that small.

Here is a really cheap one on Ebay.


Blacklights don’t really look that great. I tried them before I did my bulbs in red. They don’t give you the look you want, unless you want a white gauge/ green needle/ lavender upper light look. Best bet is just to do all the bulbs one color, And paint the needles w/ flourescent orange marking paint. Did mine w/ red bulbs. Came out pretty good. Search “Amber bulbs in gauge cluster” for the pics. I’m on pg. 6 There are some other good ones on there too. Good luck.


Corniest quote ever: “Get yours today!! JDM is IN!”