Idleing funky at stop in neutral but not while driving

Hey so lately my 93 tegy has been idleing low at stops but not while im moving. Itll go as low as 2-3 hundred rpms. Where should i start?

service the iacv. what i like to do is remove the intake boot. then, with the car running at operating temp, spray intake cleaner into the iac port at the throttlebody. use the nozzle straw. snap the throttle a few times while doing this to work the cleaner into the iacv. repeat that a few times.
this way, the iac port gets cleaned and the iacv never needs to be removed.
if that doesn’t help, perform an idle adjustment, AS PER PROCEDURE

where is this IAC port to spray the cleaner into? im not the OP but wanna do some servicing too

pull the boot off. there will be 2 ports at the throttlebody. top is iac. bottom is fitv