I'm not bitter

I’m venting. I miss you guys being on here.


Thanks for not selling our data :+1: We appreciate you for getting g2ic back up and running


it really is sad, isn’t it. now i feel bad for spending the summer away! lol

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It’s horrible. Everyone is after instant clout and if they don’t like knowledge or first hand experience someone else has they ask the question again or just call someone a liar. I get it for spreading word quickly but the sense of community is gone without forums.


The IG feed I have for G2IC is just pretty pic after pretty pic or video with mismatched music clip.

I mean I get it. That happens here too with people posting pix. Also, this new forum software makes is a ton easier to upload pix from your phone. It just seems so much more attention whorish on Instagram LOL Oh well. I’ll keep fighting the good fight.


Also, the fact that you can’t use URLs in Instagram is further proof that they don’t want you to leave instagram and want you to keep scrolling on the platform. That isn’t a “security” measure at all.

Bah humbug. :slight_smile: