Import alliance spring meet 2011 weekend

well it was a long weekend this past weekend. from getting my car ready to IA to making the girlfriend happy for prom. everything turned out well and i figured i figured id share some pics of my db1 (daniece) i think i repped g2ic pretty well and thanks to BigJimSlay also for adding my car to one of his favorite three…enjoy!

and to show off a prom picture lol

Nice! I don’t remember seeing your car there. I’ve got pictures of about 1/3 of the cars there, so I’ll look for it when editing in case I just forgot.

Nice looking db1, not a fan of the roof rack but the wheels look great

I was glad I caught your ride at the last minute. But now that you are sharing pics of this beauty, I dont feel so bad on not being able to take the pics that I wanted. I was really impressed with your DB coming out of the gargage that I had to stop the traffic behind me to take one pic. Thanks for coming and do hope to see you out this way next year. BTW for all that are checking this DB out, check for the other G2s that showed up on my neck-o-da-wuudz this past weekend by clicking here. and here…

thanks for the comments and feedback. and BigJimSlay great job on the pics, definetly will be attending more IA meets in atalanta. a thought crossed my mind about seeing if any g2’s are planning on going to import alliance in nashville and possibly setting up a huge meet so all the g2’s can ride in together.

sweet db1 ! and wheels are f’n sexy.

I got a couple pics of this one

BTW, what is your wheels offset and sizes? I wanna say 17x8 +20 but can not determine. Tires look like 205/40? All in all, BBS RS here stay.

Thanks for the pics! But the wheels are 16x7.5 and 16x8.5 with a +14 offset all around