in need of advice

i did a little searching but could not find the right answer i was looking for. my question is…will a b18a1 head fit on a b16 block? i hear that it will cost a lot to do. a friend said that it will fit right on. im not sure who to listen to.

he says he has a friend that will sell a b16X block with type r crank blah blah blah. im more of an accord guy. but anyway…will this setup work? and is it true that have a b18ahead on b16X block is a little faster just a regular LS?

any info will be appreciated. i need to know before they actually start working on it in about 12 hours.

no it will not be faster then a stock ls… if ur looking for a motor that has potental i have a built b16 block but we would have to work out shipping but non the less do not try this…