In todays NEWS, a 91LS manual tranny shot!

:bawl: What the hell… Hummm where to start. Well I was on my way home to southern cali and to see a show in San D but once there my tranny lost ALL gears but 4th. for the past week i lost fithe gear. it would be in gear and all of a sudder pop out. I was like what the hell. Im good around the motor now but i still no almost nothing about trannys. I was guessing to check the fluid. umm well there is none. cause i cant find the thing for it. so im guessing that sticks dont have to add fluid. (for some reason i think im worng on this one). I have looked at other teg pix and seen that in the left rear on the fire wall there is a fluid catch of some sort. kinda like the brake or power stearing one there. and my car dosnt have that. ???

What shold i do?

I just found another teg a 90 LS (with a b18c1 swap) 2dr with 64k on it for 5k$. so i think i just might get that instead of getting my 91LS sedan b18a with 170K on it, worked on. I dont have any clue how much it will cost to get my tranny fixed. I keep getting told that is a grip load. Right now its sunday so i dont know too much, but i will find out at lunch on monday. if any one can help that would be cool.

:sad: I miss my baby…

ps driving back home over 250 miles with ONLY 4th gear and hitting red lights SUCKS!!! (thank god i only hit one red light)

PSS now i have to change my signature to

That red blure you just passed. Yea its me stuck on the side of the road!

that sux

man, Im sorry too hear that… my has only poped out of a gear once and that was first… if i was u i would just get the tranny fixed…later…

i just called 2 shops here. ( thats cause they are the only 2 here) and they both said just under 2k to fix… :vomit: :sad:

well off to dig me a grave… either its going to be for me or for my teg cause it will take me 3 months to save that kind of cash.

Just check some boards and buy a used tranny. I actually have one for sale too, but its still on my car. If you want it email me. Your synchros’ all went out sounds like since your poping out of gear. That sucks that you have to drive in 4th. You could try and keep it in gear, but I’ve done that and the torque of the engine and the amount of pressure of your hand just want hold it. But worth a try.

This just in, breaking news story. This thread’s title is extremely :gay:

well i hate to bring stuff out of the grave but my tranny? some times it hard to get my car out of gear but if i give it a little persuasion :up: it pops out of gear and off i go im lost i was wondering if anyone has had this problem of if they know if its the shift linkage or bushing please help a brouther out :bowdown:

I had the same problem , then it got worse, only had fourth gear,
and then the tranny locked up and i went sliding off the road at 65 mph, all because i didn’t check the tranny fluid, that was the only problem, please CHECK YOUR FLUID IF YOUR TRANNY STARTS TO ACT UP

I did check the tranny fluid its full i noticed that underneath the car the bottem of the shifter (were the ball is ) the boot is riped in half is this maybe my problem or is the tranny going