I have indiglo gauges in my car (came with them) and well they didn’t work tonight when I went to drive home. I want to pull them and go with the stock ones my question is how hard are they to remove? Anything special I will need? Any advice will be great thanks
There is an installation manual you can download for generic gauge kits. Google it, but I know there is someone that sells the indiglos on ebay that has a link to an install PDF. Just do everything cept replace the ricey indigay with stock It’s pretty straight forward but kinda tedious. Don’t fuck up your needles and it should be easy.
So is the stock face removed for the indiglo or is the indiglo simply over the stock?
I couldn’t tell you unless I had pics, or if I knew the brand/type. It’s either just a face or an actual gauge that uses the stock clips, or one that uses adapters for the clips. Try to find the exact indiglos that you have on a site that sells them, and see if you can’t find pictures to compare with. Also remember the install instructions, and to be very careful with the needles. There really isn’t much else I can tell you. There is a TegTip regarding gauges that has most of the information you will need. Good luck man
I guess i will just have to give it a shot and see. I have a spare cluster sitting around so hopfully I don’t have to use it
I had indiglo gauges that were glued on… I had to use an RS cluster cus they were so badly put in…
Lets hope you don’t have to do the same thing. The plastic cover that goes over everything - with the tach/speedo etc. cut outs and the cutouts for all the lights should squish the gauge faces onto the stocks…
Watch the needles - if you bend 'em when you’re taking the indiglo you can break them or knock them out of alignment…
Thank you for the information