i love how he keeps ignoring the question “when exactly was the stuff shipped out” keeps on crying about the pictures and the “threats” that he’s receiving. its as simple as telling people when the items were shipped out and maybe taking a picture of the receipt seeing how its so expensive to add tracking to an item ($0.50-$0.75). i must’ve read at least 9 times “go ahead and call the cops” wah wah wah. just give the appropriate information and everyone will shut up! not that fucking difficult. i provide tracking to any and everything i ship out to cover my own ass from shit like this.
if my turbo doesn’t show up tomorrow i will be filing a claim as well aa take any other actions i feel is appropriate.
xchad - You’re completely right, but as you can tell through this 8 pg thread as well as the other FS thread that this guy will not budge. You will not get a tracking number regardless of how simple this situation is. It has been blown completely out of the water (myself being part of that) for something that clearly WAS and still IS fixable. He just chooses not to take the appropriate action to clear this whole mess up.
And IF…I couldn’t stress how big of an IF this is…if the parts show up at my door (Boiling Springs, SC - BC Stage 2 Cams/Springs/Retainer kit just in case he forgot) I will GLADLY post him a sincere apology for calling him a scammer. I won’t, however, apologize for the other statements I made about him
Your gf is mad because you’re a scammer and a child molester.
Why are you so upset and want it taken down if that pic isnt even of you? And why did that particular Chris Wilbanks of Norman OK, suddenly change his myspace picture? C’mon man, this isnt you…you’re an honest guy!
i’ll join you!
not once did i threaten you. i actually gave you the benefit of the doubt up till’ last sunday. i told you what i wanted to know and you have yet to clarify things completely. that is really not fair.
one person call
start it.
then post up the phone # to the investigator on case
makes it easy for the popo
where is my radiator
Anyone want to help me start a website? I have like 30 pictures. LOL.
to be truthful the police here cant do anything since it took place over the internet it has to go through ic3 first… then its relayed to a law enforment not necessarily the norman police and they will investigate and prosecute… so i dont really see what calling the norman police will do… they cant come arrest me for anything even if you all called… everyone of you would have to file seperate and show to court seperatly…just because it was on g2ic doesnt mean the total amount is with everyone together, its seperate… and its not over $500 each so its not a felony so i wont go to “prison” believe what you want it was sent monday if nobody gets anything by end of day today then call the police if you want i just dont see whats so fun about it honestly… the norman police cant touch me you need to file ic3 innocent untill proven guilty … and i did send stuff to you guys so im innocent you just think i never did…
man ntegra your already in for a rude awakening with everything else… start a website with my pics… like i said i will just take action aginst you again…
like i said if i really scammed you guys i wouldnt waste my time to reply on here or even talk to you guys i would bail out and never be heard from again… and i wouldnt give you my true identity and information
you posted the pics on a public myspace douchie use your fucking head.
all they want is tracking numbers. Its very simple, or you’re very stupid. Either way I hope this gets resolved and benefits only those who have something to lose and not you.
they are not public now they are private…
this thread is better than the movies.
wanna share that popcorn?
were they public and are they on the internet AKA the WORLD WIDE WEB in any way shape or form? Where are the tracking numbers?
sure, first you send me some money for it, then i promise i’ll send you some popcorn…
:lol: I senT yO dAt JiFfY pOp NigGa BeLeVEeEE mE y0!!11!!!