Is screeching or locking up tyres a good thing?

mine lock up with my shitty sam’s club goodyears. :stuck_out_tongue:

soon as i get the cash for some nice 16-inchers i’ll have my 11" 2-piston setup…we’ll see who locks up now bitch! :dance:

some dumbass invented ABS?

maybe a GROUP of engineers invented ABS…

I guess the dumbasses over at BMW and their work with ATTS is a waste of funds…

I highly doubt that guy or guys were dumbasses, as they has saved lives of people like you many many times with his invention.

ugggh dude
do i care who the fuck invented ABS
Was just a sarcasm

or nissan’s ATTESA
or subaru’s allwheeldrive
or my mom’s vagina–actually yeah, that’s a waste of funds.


You really fucked yourself over with this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

those dumbasses over at trojan…inventing condoms and shit like that… WTF were they thinking! :roll:

it took you 2 pages to realize that? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I just thought I would just say it straight up to him :stuck_out_tongue:

no way dewd

I asked a question and this dumbass starts teaching me Physics lesson instead of answering a simple question in YES or NO.

I doubt if he even has degree in PHYsics, but that doesnt anymore.

If you guys have insider relationship or friendship among yourself that bunch of you will all favor one guy thats a different thing. I dont really care about that.

The thing is i didnt fuck up myself, but instead some of you like to fuck things up, and DRAG IT TO THE farthest point.
It may be a good habbit though, i dont feel bad. You probabaly cant beat the shit out of someone in real life because you are probabaly scared to go to jail…instead you release all that on the internet…so i think society is much safer from such people because of internet.
Therefore I dont really think i fucked up or bla bla… it is OK. Its fuckin internet- i will never get to see your face or meet you in person - do i give a shit

If i know something i contribute, and i expect the same from you- thats about it!
Dont have too much time on my hands for internet relations or impress Forum members by talking shit on the internet all the time.
You are welcome to throw a party just becaue i fucked up myself , lets celebrate!! duh big deal

And i will spell it my way and the way i like - TYRE
[SIZE=1](Give credit to natural and native country that CREATED english)[/SIZE]

by my fourth post, i had said if your brakes don’t lock up, what’s the problem? if you can’t infer from that statement that it’s a good thing they’re not locking up, then you sir are an incompetent boob and don’t deserve to pretend you are superior to others (e.g., tyre). yes we have a little clique here. it’s called mutual respect. we respect each other regardless of giving one another a little ribbing now and then. we can dish it as well as take it. however, little sensitive weenies such as yourself can’t, and get all butt-hurt when someone gives you shit for continuing a discussion by asking the same stupid question hours after it was answered.

don’t get all pissy…you asked, i answered, it wasn’t what you wanted to hear, so you kept asking. unfortunately the answer stayed the same. you didn’t grasp the easy answer, so i explained it for you in more detail, and then you got all pissed that i used physics to describe a “simple yes or no answer”. when you’re dealing with complex automotive systems, there isn’t a simple yes or no answer…regardless of what import tooner and superstreet say. :down:

Consider your self luky zoom(dont care how many times you change yoru name thats the one I prefer) was so nice to you! Jesus when I started on here he was teh master of disaster! If youw ould have asked that question a while back he woudl have riped you a new ass hoel instead he kept calm treid to explina reasons why your not getting said wanted effect and then stated that it was a good thing and that you shoudl be happy your car is not doing it! All he was trying to tell you is that he knew what you wanted but that since you were not getting it it was a good sign that your car was performing properly and you should be happy about htat even though youre not gettign whatyou want your car is giving you what you paid for in a good car!

Now as for a click hell no there is no click…its more like the old farts that paid thre dues…come on your not exactly a noob you should now that we been here a while took the bumps ourselves …god knows how mean we were to eachother in OT but when it comes down to it if you ask a tech question expect honest straightfoward answers…I beleave he gave youa good answer! Now if you insist on being stupid and continuing looking lieka tool and wanting to act up in your car liek a 16 year old that just got his licence well…expect to be treated like a tool!

Twin54 :cool:

I think all you guys are missing the point… he must have that new, mad phat Super Secret Stelth ABS system (SSSABS). :stuck_out_tongue:

As Ferret has already told you, locking up your TIRES is a bad thing. And that theory about the rears doing the work before your fronts can lock up??? What ever you were tring to say, the answer is still NO. Braking is done roughly F70%, R30% to F75%, R25%. Locking your brakes = flatspoted TIRES, loss of traction, increased distance to stop, and possible accidents.

I have never seen a non-ABS car that had any trouble locking it up in a panic stop. You may be using the wrong type pads for your car. IE - race pads that have to get hella-hot before they grip. Or maybe you just need to slide your seat further up to reach the floor. :shrug:

Close Thread

Ahhh, and it was just geting to be entertaining. Maybe instead of closing threads like this we should have another section for what NOT to do. A section called the “Hall of Shame” or something.

If you drove the teg off the lot brand new and slammed the brakes, they would have locked up. Just like 99% of cars without ABS would do.

You may need to bleed again, which is not unusual, you here guys on here bleeding a few times before they get it perfect.

Try it on wet pavement, if they still don’t lock up, you definitely need to re-bleed, and if that doesn’t work, look for posts about brake pressure problems.

The pedal may just feel good, compared to what you had before.


The world is a tuxedo. You, my friend, are a brown pair of shoes. :down:

[1]You are the poop i accidently stepped on while wearing those brown shoes.[/b]

Thanks, that is exactly the type of answer i was looking for. :bow:

  1. b ↩︎

I agree with 93IntegraGS, if you can’t get them to lock up, then something is a bit fishy. Yeah yeah yeah, lock up is bad, we know, but your braking system should have the ability to do so and then its either your responsibility or your abs’s responsibility to help prevent them from locking up when braking (e.g. not slamming on the brakes as hard as you can).

I can easily get mine to lock up. I’m not sure what your problem would be…but it seems strange that even when trying to lock 'em up, you aren’t able to.

Yes that is what i am trying to check. BTW i am non-abs
ya ya ya ya lockup is bad :bang:
Its not that i LOVE lockups! Its not like i expect it to lock up everytime i hit the brakes, I just want to check my brakes FOR ONCE thats all.
Will see if i get chance to bleed again OR maybe i am not pressing the pedal quick enough. Thanks anyway.