JDM headlight wiring

I know the teg tips says how to do the wiring for the headlights, but I was wondering if anyone has done the wiring with anything other than spade connectors. It seems like there should be a better way of doing it.

I soldered/heatshrinked them in my article…


But from what i hear there are conversion cables now from 9004 to h4h… so you don’t have to cut off your original stuff anymore…

Password JDM has a jumper harness for about 25 bucks. One of the best investments I’ve made. Just plug and play. Well worth the money. But you will still have to wire up the fogs by “hand”.

If you want to make your own harness, you can get the plugs HERE, or buy them from passwordJDM.

I just have to figure out how to wire up my foglamps, because the plug wires were cut way too short.

Just extend them…

what you can do, is do what i did. since the wires were cut WAY to short on yours (mine were the same way) what you’ll want to do is remove the screw that holds the plastic socket that you would “plug/unplug” for the foglights. when you remove the screw, you will then have some slack to work with. just cut the harness off and strip the wires about a 1/2 inch back. then using some male and female connectors, just connect the red to red, and black to black. you have yourself a makeshift socket to work with. after you connect them together (if this is a very permanent thing and dont intend to remove the lights or foglights at all, then i’d use some heat-shrinking wrap on it to cover it up more permanent than what i did as this is a little harder to remove if you wish to unplug the wires to the fog lights)

i simply wrapped them well with some electrical tape to prevent any metal-to-metal contact (would have shorted out the system and blown fuse after fuse)

hope that helps. i’m sure there are some sockets you can buy and make it look a little cleaner though. i just didn’t have the time to look around for such things. will eventually replace my “ghetto” setup soon with something much more efficient.

Hope that helps, and enjoy your new JDM lights :wink:

^ :werd:

Heatshrink is your friend…