JDM Lights

Hello i searched. I am missing the pieces the make the light bulb stay up on my 1 pieces that i just bought. any ideas where i can buy some replacements?
or whats the deal?

Swear at them that usually helps, jk, there should be a wire thing that bends around the back of the bulb then hooks and holds the bulb nice and tight.

I have none of that. just a socket for the bulb and thats it no metal wire. oh and that rubber thing that goes around the hole.

I would post in the WTB section for that stuff. Im sure you can find a picture of what it looks like if you search. Make sure your tabs and what not arnt broken. The pieces from your stock headlights may work.

Ive been looking for those for over a year for my DB1 and was talking to a friend about it just last night.

He suggested bending some large paper clips in the shape of the OEM design. I don’t see how it would not work?? I’m gonna give it a go tomorrow, I’ll post pics for ya :up:

It would be easier for me, cuz I have my DA with one pieces so I am able to copy it exactly.


They will not. I have already tired this

[QUOTE=da92nv;2090163]Ive been looking for those for over a year for my DB1 and was talking to a friend about it just last night.

He suggested bending some large paper clips in the shape of the OEM design. I don’t see how it would not work?? I’m gonna give it a go tomorrow, I’ll post pics for ya :up:

It would be easier for me, cuz I have my DA with one pieces so I am able to copy it exactly.


Thanks! that makes sense let me know how it goes so i can put mine on this weekend.

will do

I have one of those clips left over is anyone wants it. Only one though.

i would like it. please.
can you ship?

Paper clips aren’t going to work well, they don’t have enough “spring” characteristic to them. You need a metal which has been annealed properly to be “springy” and resist bending. If you can easily shape it w/ your hands it’s not springy enough.

do they sell replacements?

Coat hanger?


Considering the bulbs have been just pinched in place over the last 1.5yrs, the car is lowered and we have yet to have them fall out or even flicker…in my case, the paper clips should work just fine.

So how would i use the paper clips?

helping my buddy with his bmw yesterday so I didn’t have time to get it done…I will get it done today and post some pics

Cool im trying to put my lights on asap.