JDM/Projector custom question.

You guys know these infamous headlights:

What I’m wondering is has anybody taken the clear plastic covers off those headlights and put them onto JDM one-pieces. What would that look like? Anybody try it? The reason I’m asking is because I’m going to spray my headlights a fog-light yellow translucent color that you may have seen on some Nissan’s(350z). But the JDM one-pieces aren’t as clear as them projector lights so I’m afraid it won’t look as good. I’m still gonna try it and if anything I can buy some 3M vinyl/paint thinner and remove the paint but maybe somebody has a picture out there before I tackle this little mod.

so you’re gonna put the clear lens on the jdm light?

why not just get these

or these

It’s just I rather have the JDM one-pieces. Maybe paint the housing black like those though. Then give them a few coats of translucent yellow. Depends on how the original lights are going to look with the yellow.

so logically if you mess up you have 2 sets of wasted headlights ?

The clear lens on the JDM 1-piece sheeple light has been done, and with somewhat poor results (from what I recall). If you do a search the thread should still be around here, somewhere (it may be in Electrical).