jdm rhd radio din!!!!!!

has anyone installed a jdm radio din and what were the modifications!!!

what exactly do you mean by “jdm radio din”? the plastic trim around the radio , or a radio itself?

if you actually look up DIN you will actually find out its not a Japanese standard nor is there such thing as a USDM DIN

I am talking about the piece where the radio goes into and is also part of the cigaret lighter and ash tray!!!the jdm one has the cigaret lighter and ash tray oposite sides than the usdm one !!! anyway i alredy made it fit!!!

for future reference that would be called a radio trim/console panel

what is so fantastic about switching the positions of the ash tray and cigarette lighter? LAME.

DUH BECAUSE ITS JDM!! hahahaha i agree its dumb “JDM” is overrated…I prefer things to MY taste not japanese


whats so fantastic is that i have it and you dont!!! leva!!!


do things your way be happy and shut up!!! chavala…