Jesus Tapdancing Christ, Seattle...‘potentially-offensive’-words-‘brown-bag’-and-‘citizen’

I’d say “that’s retarded” but they’d probably try to put me in jail for it…

Sounds like the WCW move of calling a foreign object an “international object” instead. “Oh my goodness JR , Cactus Jack has reached under the ring apron and grabbed an international object! It looks like part of a folding chair! Sting is still stunned after that DDT, what’s Cactus got up his sleeve? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Cactus levels Sting with a hit from that international object!!”

This was all over Seattle talk radio, even the liberal hosts thought this was “silly”. I don’t live in Seattle so I can’t attemt to vote all of them out.

Being called a citizen by a federal employee certainly is offensive. I’m unfamiliar with how brown bag is supposed to be used however. I’ve heard brown bag used to describe a hang over as having the “brown bag flu” and brown bag when referencing packing your own lunch instead of eating out.

careful, lesbians might get mad at you for saying “eating out”.

Since when has being called a citizen been offensive? Maybe I missed that lesson in pissing people off.

They’re scared they might offend the poor sensibilities and precious feelers of illegal aliens living there, since technically they’re not citizens. They might feel “left out.”