Keep your thoughts out for Colorado

4 wildfires burning, over 100 houses lost now in different spots. 0% containment in Black forest,Not a religious man here but any thoughts /prayers would be nice! Last year was way close to me with the Waldo canyon fire, now this. I am safe at this point but feel for everyone else out there.
Thanks G2Ic

Wow… scary shit man. Here’s wishing the best to everyone nearby!

Are you the same Ted I bought that white G2 from so many years ago?
Also, it’s about that time that half the state of Colorado starts burning down. :frowning:

Damn :sad: I hate seeing things like this. I wish the best for everyone and my prayers go out to everybody in the state of CO.

[QUOTE=Stu;2297033]Are you the same Ted I bought that white G2 from so many years ago?
Also, it’s about that time that half the state of Colorado starts burning down. :([/QUOTE]

I dont think so unless it was a scrap car lol
Thanks guys will update as days go on, we sure could use some rain!