LED tail lights

Ok so I was considering trying to get another set of tails to play with, and I thought I would try to make some LED tails from factory lenses. I was wondering if anyone has done this before or if anyone knows about how difficult this would be. I have 90-91 tails and thought of doing it to them to see how it would turn out.
If someone has done this already, could you please post a pic or something and possibly let me know how hard it was to get it done. Thanks :wave:

Should be as simple as getting LED bulbs and installing them, most 12V bulbs are avalable as LED bulbs, [cluster of 4-8 LEDs in a standard single/dual filement (1156/1157) bulb “housing”, plug and play. 94

I’m actually talking about doing something similar to what this guy did… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyddSLFGcwA and actually create led tail lights, not just bulbs.

Or better yet, like this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nySKhSGzzE&feature=related

would be easy to do if your good with fiberglass or plastic welding… cut the backs off(or i guess trim them to as flat as can be) smooth them out(fill/cover holes while keeping in mind where u wanna put the led plate/where your gonna put holes after to mount)

whoa monkies, the second link was pretty interesting

I think I’m going to try to do this…if I can figure it out…lol I think it would look pretty sick, all LED

Wow. That’s… insane. Wondering if Omonkies ever went through with this…

I could have sworn I remember seeing something where a guy did this with DC tail lights. No idea where I would have seen it now, but I feel like it looked really good.

I did a full LED bulb swap and not much of a difference between LED vs OE style bulb so I was considering pulling apart and get LED boards to do a custom tail light

That sir, would be cool. If you do, please do a write up!

Yes sir I will! Currently working on getting around parts to do so

im gonna do my 92 integra tail lights.i already order my leds just waiting ill do a build thread for that.