Let's talk about mine detectors....

…turns out they stop bullets.

There’s $3600 down the drain…

Thats not yours, its MINES! el oh el

I’m going to punch you in the spring.

well that is an expensive way to stop a bullet… next time use your head I hear it works better and is cheaper.

plus u get free rides stateside hahaa

really tho… better a mine detector than one of our guys.

[QUOTE=djzachtyler;2275946]well that is an expensive way to stop a bullet… next time use your head I hear it works better and is cheaper.

plus u get free rides stateside hahaa[/QUOTE]

Wow, that’s incredibly fucking classy.

Any jokes about Amanda Todd you’d care to share with the class, while you’re on a roll?

Wow, $3600? Sorry for your LOST.




wasn’t intended to offend. just pokin some fun…

I did a couple tours on a tin can… that said I’ll open myself up for Navy jokes now and get out the flamesuit.

[QUOTE=armedferret;2275949]Wow, that’s incredibly fucking classy.

Any jokes about Amanda Todd you’d care to share with the class, while you’re on a roll?[/QUOTE]

…I fucked 'er…OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH /diceclay