List of A/C components needed for installation (Under the hood)

Hey folks, just wondering if anyone could provide me with a good list of all the components required to reinstall A/C into my 93 GS.

Previous owner removed the under-the-hood parts, but gave me a few. Being that it’s hot & humid as hell where I live, and I drive my car all day long for work, I need to be cold again. (Yes, I AM a fat dude, haha)

Here is a pic of the parts I currently have. I’ve tried searching, but I don’t know entirely what I’m really even looking for. Please, don’t link me to one of those “Take a look, buy what you need”- sites.

I appreciate any help I can get.

I don’t see the drier or the lines that hook up to it. May still be on the car. Post a pic of the engine bay.