Looking at equilizers, need opinion!

I’m looking for a simple equilizer nothing special at all, just something to back my deck up and will give me play with my 6.5’…

what do you guys think about this one… its 10 band, don’t know wtf that is…


will it have an effect on my subs too?

it will effect your suvbs if your head unit only has a rear channel out that you are tappping for them. If you have an output on the back specifically marked subs you will be okay. I dont know how much that impacts your signal, but it is nce to see that it is powered and not passive. Just like a powered crossover, it will sound better. For $17 you can’t ;loose. Worst case you dont go to Chili’s to eat two times inasted…lol let us know how it is, and i think Target carries rampage in thier car section so you might be able to get it cheaper there.