Looking for info on a sensor

I have the b18a1 in my 90 integra, what is the sensor directly under the distributer on the head? I am just curious because I need to buy a new one.

Thanks in advance

If it has a two wire connector, then it feeds the ECU info about coolant temp so the ECU can regulate the timing and injectors during cold/normal temp operations. If its a one wire it feeds the coolant temp gauge in your dash and has no bearing on the ECU.:read:

what happens if u turn the car on (engine being cold and temp below 40 degree celsius) (i have another temp gauge in place to) i run the 2 wire sender

if u turn on the ignition and the temp shoots way past hot til it cant go anymore… whats the problem???

i only have one thermo fan wired up because the condenser one isnt there anymore