Looking into upgrading my home theatre setup in a few weeks, would like some input.

So, I ordered some stuff last night.

I ordered this speaker set:
Onkyo 7.1 Speaker set
When I placed the order, I didn’t realize it did not come with a receiver.
So, the speakers will be here tomorrow, and I’m going to go ahead and keep them. I’ll just be ordering a receiver separate.

Here, though, is the dilemma. I noticed that the speakers all use traditional speaker wire connectivity. Not sure of the exact term, but something like gator clips that connect the speakers to the receiver.

I was looking into HDMI receivers, and found this one in particular:
Sony STR DH720

Has everything I need, but the rear pic of the unit shows this:

What appears to be no place to hook up the subwoofer (or am I missing it?) and the jacks for the front speakers are completely different than the rest. I don’t think the Onkyo’s “Tall Boy” Front speakers have these jacks.

So, I need to know if this receiver will work with my speakers, or not. If it won’t, what receivers out there offer multiple HMDI input and outputs that will work with my speakers?

okay, i found a close up pic of the back of this receiver, it does have a subwoofer jack. but the two front speaker jacks, I’m curious about. Will the standard wires that come with the Onkyo system, pictured below, work with those output jacks? Are they made for these wires, just using a screw on method to secure them?

I haven’t endeavored in many systems like this. This is my first run into the “better than walmart” systems out there, so forgive me if my questions seem a little noobish in this field. Most of my previous setups were basic, and less than $200 for everything, out the door.

personally I would say stay away from sony receivers… they are good bang for buck systems but tend to not be as long lasting as others… Onkyo receivers are some of the better ones I have come across for component. other brands would be Pioneer or Denon which have good reps.

As far as that sony receiver it has a single RCA jack that runs to the sub, & generally those are for self powered subs. you need to make sure that the Onkyo sub is powered & connects by the single RCA (similar to SPIDIF)

Personally I don’t think I’m buying another piece of Sony equipment. When I bought my BD player a year or two ago my friend said he’d had bad luck w/ Sony. I didn’t heed his advice and ended up getting a Sony BD player and it’s completely crap. It functions OK for the most part but the UI and overall functionality sucks.

I have had pretty good luck with Sony products. In fact, I kind of prefer them. I have never had any problems with their products. One of my TVs in the house is a Sony that I’ve had for 7 years, or so. No problems yet, and I’ve had 3 different DVD players that all functioned fine. I got rid of 2 of them because my PS3 does BD/DVD for the living room, and I only needed the other for the TV in my kids’ room.

I can understand your concern, though. Some friends have had issues with Sony products. One actually had an issue with the same model DVD player I have now, but mine has been issue free. It seems their stuff can be hit-or-miss, sometimes. But, I’ll stick with them for now. At least, until something of theirs gives me reason not to.

The Onkyo sub is self powered, I do know that much. Looking at a pic of the back of the sub it has a cord that would go to an outlet/surge protector, and one jack for the RCA wire.

One thing still unanswered, though. The two jacks for the front speakers. Do they appear compatible with the speakers? They are different from the rest, that is why I’m asking. The others all use the gator clip looking jacks, where as these kind of resemble plug in connectivity.

Sony makes good receivers, I wouldn’t worry.

The connectors will work. You just unscrew them a bit and put the speaker wire around it and crank it down. Or you can use a banana plug. Just crimp it to one end of the speaker wire and plug it in.

Thanks, Jay. Looks like I’ll be placing an order tonight. I found a different receiver, the STRDH520. Do you know the differences between the 520 and the 720? From what I’ve gathered, the 520 is cheaper, and seems to get better reviews. Other than the 720 having a few more inputs, it doesn’t seem like much else is different…

Btw, good playing BF3 with you.

[QUOTE=imcnblu;2287739]Thanks, Jay. Looks like I’ll be placing an order tonight. I found a different receiver, the STRDH520. Do you know the differences between the 520 and the 720? From what I’ve gathered, the 520 is cheaper, and seems to get better reviews. Other than the 720 having a few more inputs, it doesn’t seem like much else is different…

Btw, good playing BF3 with you.[/QUOTE]

Just basing this on the name alone, I’m guessing the 720 is 7.1 surround sound instead of 5.1. They’re probably the same other than that.

Yeah, I haven’t had a chance to play in about 4 months but i’m on leave this week so i’m trying to get some playing in before we deploy again soon.

See, that’s the thing. Both are 7.1. I’n going to assume that the differences would be in the number of inputs, and maybe the 720 has more customization options.

Idk, though. Gonna try to hit up Best Buy and a few other electronics stores and See what they hace in stock.

I just scored this

Harmam Kardon AVR1700 to replace my dying Onkyo.

^^^ is a nice receiver… I used to have a Harmon Kardon back in the day…

I’ve had my system hooked up for almost a week, now. It is incredible. For my current residence, it is perfect. Maybe a bit too good. The sub, even at half power, shakes the floor and walls when I’m playing Battlefield. I had no idea how good it would sound compared to the old setup.

For about $700 being invested in it (yeah, I went over my budget by a bit), I think it is an awesome setup.

Can’t wait until we get our own house and I can set up my “man cave” in the basement. A much more elaborate system will be installed. Will have at least a 70" TV and some full size speakers (no small “satellite” type speakers). Gaming and movies will be on a whole new level.

sick. you should make a youtube vid… sounds reasonably priced.