lost oil

I took my car into work (i work @ a subaru dealership) to get an oil change and the tech said about 2 qts came out. There was oil leaking around the oil pan (that i had replaced about a year ago) but i never smelled oil burning or noticed oil on the ground where i park. WTF? I have never had any oil losage before, maybe the gasket? tia

Sounds like you are losing a little bit out of the pan gasket if you said you saw some there. I am thinking that most of it is blowing past your rings and/or valve seals. That is what happens when you put a lot of miles on a car.
Also, if you drive really hard all the time your motor will “use” oil. That is if your up in high revs a lot.


If it is my rings or valve seals what does that mean? By rings i assume you mean piston rings but valve seals what need to be done. Thanks

Yes, I do mean piston rings when I say rings. Replacing those is quite a task…
Valve stem seals are in the head and are therefore much easier to get to since you only have to take the top of the motor apart unlike the piston rings where you basically disassemble the entire engine.
