lower balljoint

Hi everybody. Quick question.
I ve been told that i have to change my passanger side lower balljoint. I ve been told some rediculas prices and i found some other places where i could get the part cheaper. The part will be $35 CAN + labour. This is a used part from Japan (at least thats what i ve been told). My question is, should i get a new part instead and how much should it cost and will i be able to do the work my self considering that i am pretty new at this. Thanx.

its a really easy job
remove the cotter pin (spelling?) underneath the ball joint and then remove the nut
then get some wrenches and loosen up the jamnut on the other end
turn it to get it out
and u need to get an alignment afterwards

get a new moog one from your car parts store maybe 50 bones or something like that do it your self and i don’t think you need a alignment unless your mess with the tie rods everything only goes back one way but don’t geta used lower ball joint it makes no sense to cheap out that much, i’ve never messup my alignment and when i get it checked they say its fine.:stuck_out_tongue:

uhh i thought the outter tie rod was the lower ball joint
oh well
moog makes good tie rods cause they allow u to grease them

It’s fairly simple job. Lower ball joint is 35-41 US dollars. You’ll need a ball joint extractor/installer, and a vise.

  1. Remove Lower ball joint Castle Nut
  2. Remove Brake Caliper
  3. Remove Upper control arm from BODY (not the knuckle)
  4. Place Ball joint extractor in a Vice and tightned
  5. Place knucle into BJ extractor
  6. Press out Ball joint, if you just press out the ball joint itself and not the casing, use a 1/2" flat face punch and a large hammer
  7. Align new Ball joint, and proceed to press in using Ball Joint installer.
  8. reverse steps 4-1
    That’s it. Pretty Simple, I replaced four ball joints in about 45 minutes. Make sure you pay attention. Do not use a hydraulic press, It’s a pain in the ass and the knuckle won’t sit right to press it out. Even Helm’s tells you they way i just did it.