I’m planning on going ls/vtec in the next month or so, but was wondering on the ecu… Can I use my stock 91 ecu? With a vtec controller? Or do i have to get a vtec ecu? If i run a vtec ecu, is it going to be looking for extra sensors? I know I can hook up a knock sensor in the alternator bracketing, and thats not a problem. What about an oil pressure sensor, and i’ve also heard about a 2nd o2 sensor? I wouldnt mind avoiding the extra sensors as a whole… and it would also save me some money… Which is a big problem actually. =)
You’ve got a NON-OBD car, you’re going to need a NON-OBD VTEC ECU. You really can’t use your stock one and a controller, its just not going to work well for you. Get a non-obd PR3 ECU.
You’ll need to run three wires for VTEC and thats it as far as running new sensors. I’m not really sure which wires and where, someone else can tell you better than I.