montreal fall dinner meet at my place!!

Well finally got off my lazy ass and uploaded the pics to imagestation! Seing as there are so many problems latetly linking pics and them coming up as red x’s ill just link to the folder…hope it works :stuck_out_tongue:


Danm, who is the grandpa? :stuck_out_tongue:

He is monk online! yes hes older but man he is great to have at meets and to have over for diner! Lots of good q and a go on when hes around…from cars to computers the time is never boring when hes around…its cool to have a wide variety of ages in the club…I find it gives it a much more solid base!

Ahhhhhhh…the memories!



OZZZZZZZZZZ You SOB! I miss yoru goffy ass allready man! heheh well jope everythigns going ok for ya man! get back to us some time we need a TO mtl meet :smiley: all got to liek canandas wonderland…nwo that woudl be fun :smiley:


when i first saw oz in that pic he reminded me of that guy that played luigi in the mario bros. movie, his name slips my mind right now

i mean manny

mario…umm captain lou albano?? :stuck_out_tongue:


PM me or email me your number. I’ll be in town, but don’t know when.



je suis de retour ! OBSESSION !

salut la gang !

j’ai hate d’avoir de vos news !