i installed my sidemarkers on my 93 d.a. n connected them to my corners signal lights n they wont work??? why?? what im i doing wrong?
Take pics on how you wired them up. You might even have bad bulbs
Do you fogs work? Wiper intermitent work? Rear Defrost? I know these along with the front turns (not bumper turns) are controlled by the ICU. Quick easy fix iif you look up the help threads. But yea Bulbs First haha
yeah the bulbs works cause i put it straight to the battery n they turned on but when i connected them to my corners they dont… n yes my foglights work Wiper intermitent work n Rear Defrost
wire them to your bumper lights…
tried switching the wires? perhaps you wired them backwards :think:
not sure, honestly. Mine worked, first try, no warm up.